Overall, Madden 08 on the Wii is still a good game. The controls, though unchanged from last year's entry, work very well on the Wii. The addition of online play is huge, and the Party mode and Family Play make the game playable to newbies, though may be annoying space-fillers to experienced Madden players. The new additions to the control scheme, the new animation system, and the franchise upgrades also can’t be counted out. If anything, Madden 08 seems to represent a tipping point of sorts for the series. You feel like the game is right on the brink of getting back to where it was four or five years ago in terms of stature and innovation.

Madden NFL 19 PS4 Game Controls
Madden NFL 08 proves once again why it is the undisputed king of all football games. The sights, sounds, options, game modes, attention to detail, playability, realism, complexity, and just about everything else in this game is spot on! This game should be purchased by any sports fan with a pulse. EA Tiburon did very well this year. Madden 08's most important new feature is the weapons feature. In it, users can see what players are exceptionally good at a given thing. This feature can be seen by Button 7 on a gamepad, A on a keyboard, and RL on a mouse control. This feature can be used to tell if a player is capable of things most others cannot do.
Madden 08 Keyboard Controls
Pre-play Offense
Zoom out gameplay camera – D-pad down
Zoom in gameplay camera – D-pad up
Switch player – Circle
Snap ball (hurry to Line) – X
Show/hide pre-play menu – R3
Show play art – R2
Player lock – L3
Pass protection – L1
Motion player – Circle + L-stick
Hot route – Triangle
Fake snap – R1

Pre-play Defense

Individual adjustment – X
Switch player – Circle
Select player – Circle (hold) + Left Stick
Audible menu – Square
Coverage audible – Triangle
Defensive line audible – L1
Linebacker audible – R1
Defensive keys – L2
Off the line – R2 (tap)
Show play art – R2 (hold)
Zoom in gameplay camera – D-pad up
Zoom out gameplay camera – D-pad down
Defensive player lock camera – L3
Show/hide pre-play menu – R3
Pump up crowd – R-stick up
Ball Carrier
Ball in air/loose ball
Madden 2008 Controls
Player locked receiver